Monday, July 26, 2010

Felt like i haven't added any photies for ages - so here goes. Lulu is now nearly 7 weeks old and was weighed last week - 11ib's -the porker! She continues to grow and do very exciting things, namely suck her fist and scratch her mother when she can't get her milk fast enough - the wild cat. Sash and rubes still here - Ruby is the most devoted cousin lulu could ask for....and she just loves Sam the dog and Zulu - they are going to miss her dreadfully - as we all will, she is a gorgeous girl.

Petes birthday..!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shopping with the bros!!!!

The Birthday Boy!!!

Tummy Time!!!

Godley Head

New bestest friend!!

The boys arrive!!

At last, the boys arrive. Today is Pete's 12th birthday - they went go karting (pics to follow) at birthday boys request, as is a dinner of roast and an ice-cream cake!!! Have made an attempt at the cake, it is 'cooking' in the freezer - it is meant to be a skateboard by the way.... Anyway, they are lovely with their young sister - i find them looking at her and giggling suspiciously - she is not meant to be funny!!! Lovely siblilng time though.

Meanwhile, robby and family have gone back to perth, sashy and rubes arrived just after the boys arrived and mum and dad leave tomorrow - such comings and goings, happy and sad days. We took the ferry top Godley head yesterday, all minutes worth, and it was gorgeous, had lunch in the winter sun with beautiful views - lulu slept the entire time.

As for lulu, today she is 4 weeks and 4 days old and her brother is 12. Pete carried her round the supermarket today in the front pack and was most perturbed that people might think she was her son..! Pics of above to follow.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Comings and goings...

Well, family have come and gone and still here - and its been wonderful and sad to say goodbyes. However, have been busy so haven't posted any pics for a while. Cannot beleive lulu will be 4 weeks old tomorrow!!! Infact, i have just been tidying out a cupboard and found all my baby info - leaflets and what-to-expect-in-labour notes - it all seems so long ago now. Lulu is a good girl...except when she is behaving like a wild cat and screeching and desperate for milk, clenched fists pummelling, legs kicking and head thrashing from side to side looking for milk, meanwhile shoving her fists in her mouth....such impatience for someone so young - and then when she finds the milk, a satisfied grunt and then...blissful silence!!